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125. Боровский А.В., Галкин А.Л., Козлова С.С., Аппроксимация статистических данных заболеваемости коронавирусной инфекцией по городу Иркутску за 2020-2021 гг. с учётом расслоения по сопутствующим диагнозам. Вестник АГТУ. Серия: Управление, вычислительная техника и информатика, № 3, стр. 95-106 (2024). DOI: 2072-9502-2024-3-95-106
124. B.V. Andryushechkin, T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, Structural Phase Transitions in an Adsorbed Chlorine Layer on a Pre-Oxidized Ag(111) Surface, Physics of Wave Phenomena, 32, 441-451 (2024). DOI: 10.3103/S1541308X24700456
123. T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, Transitions between positive and negative charge states of dangling bonds on a halogenated Si(100) surface, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 29640-29645 (2024). DOI: 10.1039/D4CP03526G
122. Кислов В.И., Офицеров Е.Н., Аналитическая модель лазерного гауссова среднестатистического пучка со случайными однородными и изотропными фазовыми искажениями поля, Оптика и спектроскопия, 132, 651–658 (2024). DOI: 10.61011/OS.2024.06.58643.6716-24
121. Боровский А.В., Галкин А.Л., Сравнение излучения электрона в линейно и циркулярно поляризованных гауссовских полях, ЖЭТФ, 165, 767–775 (2024). DOI: 10.31857/S0044451024060026
120. Fedorov M. V., Mernova S. S., and Sliporod K. V., A protocol of measurements providing direct, complete and single-valued recover of all apriory unknown parameters of polarization biphoton qutrits, Physics of Wave Phenomena, 32, 220-226 (2024). DOI: 10.3103/S1541308X24700195
119. Боровский А.В., Галкин А.Л., Метод численного определения мощности излучения электрона в фокусе ультракороткого лазерного импульса, System Analysis & Mathematical Modeling, 6, 159-167 (2024). DOI: 10.17150/2713-1734.2024
118. T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, PBr3 adsorption on a chlorinated Si(100) surface with mono- and bivacancies, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 160, 054701 (2024). DOI: 10.1063/5.0185671 | arXiv
117. B.V. Andryushechkin, T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, New insights into the structure of the Ag(111)-p(4×4)-O phase: high-resolution STM and DFT study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 26, 1322-1327 (2024). DOI: 10.1039/D3CP04962K
116. V. I. Kislov; E. N. Ofitserov, Unstable confocal resonator with external flat semi-transparent mirror for additional feedback, Laser Physics Letters, 20, 096002 (2023). DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/ace889
115. T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, Enhancing the reactivity of Si(100)-Cl toward PBr3 by charging Si dangling bonds, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 159, 214701 (2023). DOI: 10.1063/5.0178757 | arXiv
114. Borovskiy A.V., Galkin A. L., Counterpropagating radiation emitted by an electron in the field of a Gaussian laser pulse, Laser Physics Letters, 20, 036002 (2023). DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/acb7f3
113. Е.А. Артёмов, А.В. Мантузов, В.С. Журкин, А.Д. Божко, О.С. Кудрявцев, Б.В. Андрюшечкин, В.М. Шевлюга, Н.Ю. Шицевалова, В.Б. Филипов, В.В. Глушков, Особенности структуры поверхности и поверхностного электронного транспорта в коррелированном топологическом изоляторе SmB66, Физика и техника полупроводников, 57 (2023) 232. DOI: 10.21883/FTP.2023.04.55891.02k
112. Komarov, N.S., Shevlyuga, V.M., Loginov, B.A., Andryushechkin, B.V., Adsorption on the Ag(110) Surface: STM and DFT Study, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, 2266 (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c06480
111. Andryushechkin, B.V., Loginov, B.A., Structutral Phase Transitions in the Chemisorbed Chlorine Layer on Ag(100), Physics of Wave Phenomena, 31, 67 (2023). DOI: 10.3103/s1541308x23020024
110. V.M. Shevlyuga, Yu.A. Vorontsova, T.V. Pavlova, PBr3 Adsorption and Dissociation on the Si(100) Surface, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127, 8978 (2023). DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00421
109. V. V. Glushkov, V. S. Zhurkin, A. D. Bozhko, O. E. Kudryavtsev, B. V. Andryushechkin, N. S. Komarov, V. V. Voronov, N. Yu. Shitsevalova, and V. B. Filipov, Criterion of Surface Electron Transport in the Correlated Topological Insulator SmB6, JETP Letters, 116 (2022) 791. DOI: 10.1134/S0021364022602275
108. T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, Vacancy diffusion on a brominated Si(100) surface: Critical effect of the dangling bond charge state, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 157 (2022) 124705. DOI: 10.1063/5.0102546
107. B.V. Andryushechkin, T.V. Pavlova, Adsorption of molecular iodine on the Ag(111) surface: phase transitions, silver reconstruction and iodide growth, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156 (2022) 164702. DOI: 10.1063/5.0089915
106. T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, B.V. Andryushechkin, K.N. Eltsov, Dangling bonds on the Cl- and Br-terminated Si(100) surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 591 (2022) 153080. DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.153080 | arXiv
105. T.V. Pavlova and K.N. Eltsov, Reactivity of the Si(100)-2×1-Cl surface with respect to PH3, PCl3, and BCl3: Comparison with PH3 on Si(100)-2×1-H, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 33, 384001 (2021). DOI: 10.1088/1361-648X/ac1092 | arXiv:2107.06168.
104. Nikita Komarov, Tatiana V. Pavlova, Boris V. Andryushechkin, New atomic-scale insights into the I/Ni(100) system: phase transitions and growth of an atomically thin NiI2 film, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 23, 1896-1913 (2021). DOI: 10.1039/D0CP06171A, 2021 HOT PCCP article.
103. K. S. Kravtsov, A. K. Zhutov, S. P. Kulik, Spatial quantum state tomography with a deformable mirror, Physical Review A 102, 023706 (2020). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.102.023706 | arXiv:1909.06281.
102. T.V. Pavlova, Hydrogen inserted into the Si(100)-2x1-H surface: A first-principles study, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22, 21851-21857 (2020), DOI: 10.1039/d0cp03691a | arXiv:2006.16371.
101. T.V. Pavlova, V.M. Shevlyuga, B.V. Andryushechkin, K.N. Eltsov, Chlorine insertion and manipulation on the Si(100)-2x1-Cl surface in the regime of local supersaturation, Physical Review B, 101, 235410 (2020), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.101.235410 | arXiv.
100. S. L. Kovalenko, T. V. Pavlova, B. V. Andryushechkin, G. M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, Ni Doped Epitaxial Graphene on Ni(111), Physics of Wave Phenomena, 28(3), 293-298 (2020), DOI: | arXiv:2007.07603.
99. S. L. Kovalenko, T. V. Pavlova, B. V. Andryushechkin, K.N. Eltsov, Temperature-Programmed Growth of Quasi-Free-Standing N-Doped Graphene Single Crystals from Acetonitrile Molecules, Jetp Lett., 111 (2020) 591-597.
98. S. L. Kovalenko, B.V. Andryushechkin, K.N. Eltsov, STM study of oxygen intercalation at the graphene/Ni(111) interface, Carbon, 164 (2020) 198-206. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.03.054
97. T. V. Pavlova, S. L. Kovalenko, K. N. Eltsov, Room Temperature Propylene Dehydrogenation and Linear Atomic Chain Formation on Ni(111), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124 (2020) 8218-8224. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b11942 | arXiv
96. T. V. Pavlova, V. M. Shevlyuga, B. V. Andryushechkin, G. M. Zhidomirov, K. N. Eltsov, Local removal of silicon layers on Si(100)-2х1 with chlorine-resist STM lithography, Applied Surface Science, 509 (2020) 145235. | arXiv
95. Nikita Komarov, Tatiana V. Pavlova, Boris V. Andryushechkin, Iodine Adsorption on Ni(110): 2D Phase Transitions And NiI2 Growth, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 27659-27665. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b08687
94. T. V. Pavlova, E. S. Skorokhodov, G. M. Zhidomirov, K. N. Eltsov, Ab Initio Study of the Early Stage of Si Epitaxy on the Chlorinated Si(100) Surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (2019) 19806-19811. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b06128 | arXiv
93. K. S. Kravtsov, S. N. Molotkov, Practical quantum key distribution with geometrically uniform states, Physical Review A 100 (2019) 042329. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.100.042329
92. K.A. Balygin, A.N. Klimov, I.B. Bobrov, K.S. Kravtsov, S.P. Kulik, S N Molotkov, Response to Comment on ‘Inherent security of phase coding quantum key distribution systems against detector blinding attacks’, Laser Physics Letters 16 (2019) 019402, DOI: 10.1088/1612-202X/aaf22c
91. S.N. Molotkov, K.S. Kravtsov, M.I. Ryzhkin, Erratum to: Are There Enough Decoy States to Ensure Key Secrecy in Quantum Cryptography? J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 129 (2019) 319–320. doi:10.1134/S1063776119080181
90. S.N. Molotkov, K.S. Kravtsov, M.I. Ryzhkin, Are There Enough Decoy States to Ensure Key Secrecy in Quantum Cryptography? J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 128 (2019) 544–551.
89. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.M. Shevlyuga, T.V. Pavlova, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, STM and DFT Study of Chlorine Adsorption on the Ag(111)-p(4x4)-O Surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 28862-28867. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b10443
88. T.V. Pavlova, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, First-Principle Study of Phosphine Adsorption on Si(001)-2x1-Cl, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (2018) 1741-1745. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.7b11519 | arXiv
87. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.M. Shevlyuga, T.V.Pavlova, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, Adsorption of molecular oxygen on the Ag(111) surface: A combined temperature-programmed desorption and scanning tunneling microscopy study, The Journal of Chemical Physics 148 (2018) 244702.
86. B.V. Andryushechkin, T.V. Pavlova, K.N. Eltsov, Adsorption of halogens on metal surfaces, Surface Science Reports, 73 (2018) 83-115.
85. K.A. Balygin, V. I. Zaitsev, A.I. Klimov, A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, A Single-Photon Detector Module, Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 61 (2018) 691.
84. K.A. Balygin, A.N. Klimov, B. Bobrov, K.S. Kravtsov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, Inherent security of phase coding quantum key distribution systems against detector blinding attacks, Laser Physics Letters, 15 (2018) 095203.
83. K.A. Balygin, V.I. Zaitsev, A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, A Quantum Random Number Generator Based on the 100-Mbit/s Poisson Photocount Statistics, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 126 (2018) 728-740.
82. A.N. Klimov, K.A. Balygin, S.N. Molotkov, Two-parameter single-pass plug and play quantum cryptography without adjustment of states in the quantum channel, Laser Physics Letters, 15 (2018) 075207.
81. K.S. Kravtsov, I.V. Radchenko, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, Relativistic quantum key distribution system with one-way quantum communication, Scientific Reports, 8 (2018) 6102.
80. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.M. Shevlyuga, T.V. Pavlova, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, Structural transformations on an oxidized Ag(111) surface, JETP Letters 105 (2017) 292-296.
79. S.L. Kovalenko, T.V. Pavlova, B.V. Andryushechkin, O.I. Kanishcheva, K.N. Eltsov, Epitaxial growth of a graphene single crystal on the Ni(111) surface, JETP Letters 105 (2017) 185-188.
78. K.A. Balygin, A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, Control of distributed interference in the one-way quantum cryptography system, Jetp Letters, 106 (2017) 120-126.
77. K.A. Balygin, V.I. Zaitsev, A.N. Klimov, A.I. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, Practical Quantum Cryptography, Jetp Letters, 105 (2017) 606-612.
76. K.A. Balygin, V.I. Zaitsev, A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, Implementation of a quantum random number generator based on the optimal clustering of photocounts, Jetp Letters, 106 (2017) 470-476.
75. K.A. Balygin, V.I. Zaitsev, A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, E. Popova, S. Vinogradov, Quantum random number generator based on 'Fermi-Dirac' statistics of photocounts of faint laser pulses with a 75 Mbit s(-1) rate, Laser Physics Letters, 14 (2017) 125207.
74. A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, T.A. Potapova, On a simple attack, limiting the range transmission of secret keys in a system of quantum cryptography based on coding in a sub-carrier frequency, Laser Physics Letters, 14 (2017) 035201.
73. I.A. Pogorelov, G.I. Struchalin, S.S. Straupe, I.V. Radchenko, K.S. Kravtsov, S.P. Kulik, Experimental adaptive process tomography, Physical Review A, 95 (2017) 012302.
72. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.M. Shevlyuga, T.V. Pavlova, G. M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, Adsorption of O2 on Ag(111): Evidence of Local Oxide Formation, Physical Review Letters 117 (2016) 056101.
71. N.S. Komarov, T.V. Pavlova, B.V. Andryushechkin, Iodine adsorption on Ni(111): STM and DFT study, Surface Science 651 (2016) 112-119.
70. B.V. Andryushechkin, (2016) Halogen Adsorption on Metals, in Surface and Interface Science, Volume 5: Solid-Gas Interfaces I (ed K. Wandelt), Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Germany. doi: 10.1002/9783527680573.ch35
69. V.V. Cherkez, V.V. Zheltov, C. Didiot, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre, B.V. Andryushechkin, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, Self-ordered nanoporous lattice formed by chlorine atoms on Au(111), Physical Review B 93 (2016) 045432
68. T. V. Pavlova, B.V. Andryushechkin, G.M. Zhidomirov, First-Principle Study of Adsorption and Desorption of Chlorine on Cu(111) Surface: Does Chlorine or Copper Chloride Desorb? Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (2016) 2829-2836. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b11794 | arXiv
67. K.A. Balygin, A.N. Klimov, A.V. Korol'kov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, On protection against a bright-pulse attack in the two-pass quantum cryptography system, Jetp Letters, 103 (2016) 785-791.
66. K.A. Balygin, A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, On the Correction of Errors in Quantum Cryptography Systems, Jetp Letters, 104 (2016) 341-346.
65. K.A. Balygin, A.N. Klimov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, Active stabilization of the optical part in fiber optic quantum cryptography, Jetp Letters, 103 (2016) 420-424.
64. G.I. Struchalin, I.A. Pogorelov, S.S. Straupe, K.S. Kravtsov, I.V. Radchenko, S.P. Kulik, Experimental adaptive quantum tomography of two-qubit states, Physical Review A, 93 (2016) 012103.
63. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Zheltov, V.V.Cherkez, G.M. Zhidomirov, A.N. Klimov, B.Kierren, Y.Fagot-Revurat, D.Malterre, K.N. Eltsov, Chlorine adsorption on Cu(111) revisited: LT-STM and DFT study, Surface Science 639 (2015) 7-12.
62. K.S. Kravtsov, I.V. Radchenko, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, Minimalist design of a robust real-time quantum random number generator, Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics, 32 (2015) 1743-1747.
61. V.V. Zheltov, V.V. Cherkez, G.M. Zhidomirov, B.V. Andryushechkin, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre, K.N. Eltsov, Structural paradox in submonolayer chlorine coverage on Au(111), Physical Review B 89 (2014) 195425.
60. K.N. Eltsov, A.A. Vedeneev, Switching of GaAs(001) termination by action of molecular iodine, JETP Letters, 99 (2014) 466-470.
59. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, T.V. Pavlova, G.M. Zhidomirov, K.N. Eltsov, Structural transformations of Cu(110) surface induced by adsorption of molecular chlorine, Surface Science 608 (2013):135-145.
58. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, E.V. Gladchenko, G.M.Zhidomirov, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre, K.N. Eltsov, New insight into the structure of saturated chlorine layer on Ag(111): LT-STM and DFT study, Applied Surface Science 267 (2013) 21-25.
57. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, E.V. Gladchenko, T.V. Pavlova, G.M. Zhidomirov, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D.Malterre, K.N. Eltsov, Self-Organization of Gold Chloride Molecules on Au(111) Surface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (2013) 24948-24954.
56. D.Y. Usachov, A.V. Fedorov, O.Y. Vilkov, B.V. Senkovskiy, V.K. Adamchuk, B.V. Andryushechkin, D.V.Vyalikh, Synthesis and electronic structure of nitrogen-doped graphene, Physics of Solid State 55 (2013) 1325-1332
55. K.S. Kravtsov, I.V. Radchenko, A.V. Korol'kov, S.P. Kulik, S.N. Molotkov, On a two-pass scheme without a faraday mirror for free-space relativistic quantum cryptography, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 116 (2013) 711-720.
54. K.S. Kravtsov, S.S. Straupe, I.V. Radchenko, N.M.T. Houlsby, F. Huszar, S.P. Kulik, Experimental adaptive Bayesian tomography, Physical Review A, 87 (2013) 062122.
53. N.S. Rafidi, K.S. Kravtsov, Y. Tian, M.P. Fok, M.A. Nahmias, A.N. Tait, P.R. Prucnal, Power Transfer Function Tailoring in a Highly Ge-Doped Nonlinear Interferometer-Based All-Optical Thresholder Using Offset-Spectral Filtering, Ieee Photonics Journal, 4 (2012) 528-534.
52. B. V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre, K.N. Eltsov, Commensurate-incommensurate phase transition in chlorine monolayer chemisorbed on Ag(111): direct observation of crowdions condensation into domain-wall fluid, Physical Review B 84 (2011) 205422.
51. B. V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, E.V. Gladchenko, G.M. Zhidomirov, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre, K.N. Eltsov, Atomic structure of Ag(111) saturated with chlorine: Formation of Ag3Cl7 clusters, Physical Review B 84 (2011) 075452.
50. Y.I. Bogdanov, G. Brida, I.D. Bukeev, M. Genovese, K.S. Kravtsov, S.P. Kulik, E.V. Moreva, A.A. Soloviev, A.P. Shurupov, Statistical estimation of the quality of quantum-tomography protocols, Physical Review A, 84 (2011) 042108.
49. Y.I. Bogdanov, A.K. Gavrichenko, K.S. Kravtsov, S.P. Kulik, E.V. Moreva, A.A. Soloviev, Statistical reconstruction of mixed states of polarization qubits, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 113 (2011) 192-201.
48. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, E.V. Gladchenko, G.M. Zhidomirov, B. Kierren, Y. Fagot-Revurat, D. Malterre and K.N. Eltsov, Structure of chlorine on Ag(111): Evidence of the (3х3) reconstruction, Physical Review B 81 (2010) 205434.
47. B.V. Andryushechkin, K.N. Eltsov, A.V. Kuzmichev, V.M. Shevlyuga, : Electron-induced interaction of condensed chlorine with Si(100), Physics of Wave Phenomena 18 (2010) 303-312.
46. B.V. Andryushechkin, V.V. Cherkez, V.M. Shevlyuga, K.N. Eltsov, Structural Transformations on Cu(110) under Molecular Iodine Action, Physics of Wave Phenomena 18 (2010) 172-184.
45. B.V. Andryushechkin, Y.V. Hladchanka, G.M. Zhidomirov, A.A. Korlyukov, K.N. Eltsov. Atomic structure of Ag(100) reacting with molecular iodine: Experimental and theoretical study, Physical Review B 80 (2009) 125409.
44. V.Yu.Yurov, B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, and V.V. Cherkez, Formation of Nanoislands in the Course of Copper Deposition on a Cu(111)–(9×9)-Ag Surface, JETP Letters. 86 (2007) 33–38.
43. B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, U.Bardi, A.Atrei, Local Structure of Thin AgCl Films on Silver Surface, Physics of Wave Phenomena 15 (2007) 116-125.
42. V.N. Trorimov, A.N. Chernikov, S.V. Zaitsev-Zotov, I.N. Dyuzhikov, V.M. Shevlyuga, K.N. Eltsov, An ultrahigh-vacuum nitrogen-free helium cryostat with small heat losses, Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 50 (2007) 838-841.
41. B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, Chemical State and Morphology of Ag(111) in Chlorination reaction, Physics of Wave Phenomena 14 (2006) 27-43.
40. B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.V.Cherkez, Epitaxial growth of semiconductor thin films on metals in the halogenation process. Atomic structure of copper iodide on the Cu(110) surface, JETP Letters 83 (2006) 162-166.
39. A.A. Vedeneev, K.N. Eltsov, Atomic structure of GaAs(001)-c(8 x 2) and adsorption sites of iodine atoms at low coverage, JETP Letters, 82 (2005) 44-48.
38. B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, Atomic structure of chemisorbed iodine layer on Cu(110), Surface Science 584 (2005) 278.
37. B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, CuI growth on copper surfaces under molecular iodine action: influence of the surface anisotropy in the iodine monolayer, Surface Science 566 (2004) 203-209
36. B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, Atomic scale study of CuI film nucleation on copper under molecular iodine action, e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 2 (2004) pp.234-240.
35. A.N. Klimov, V.Y. Yurov, Local scanning tunneling spectroscopy of ultrathin CuI film, Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 3-4 (2004) 143-152.
34. Andryushechkin B.V., Eltsov K.N., Shevlyuga V.M. Halide nucleation and growth on monocrystalline copper surface, Physics of Low-Dimensional structures 3-4 (2003) pp.1-20.
33. Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, U.Bardi, B.Cortigiani. Structural transitions in chemisorbed iodine layer on Cu(100), Surface Science 497 (2002) 59-69.
32. B.V.Andryushechkin, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, STM study of Phase Transitions in Iodine Overlayer on Cu(100), Physics of Low-Dimensional structures 11/12 (2001) 43-59.
31. B.V.Andryushechkin, R.E.Baranovsky, K.N.Eltsov, V.M.Shevlyuga, Atomic structure of CuI layers on Cu(111), Physics of Low-Dimensional structures 11/12 (2001) 187-200.
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